Playboy Club

Bharti Playboy Club

Calling/Whats app - 8972304621/9991016828

Bharti Playboy Club is a best Friendship Club in India. We especially designed for females who are living alone in India and who are looking forward to have a cool dude in their life secretly. Females who are looking forward for short term and long term Friendship relationship secretly, contact on to Bharti Playboy Club

Females you can find millionaires, corporate managers, directors, CEO’s, Models , Engineers, Doctors, Businessman’s, Lawyers, Actors who are looking forward for short term or long term Friendship relationship secretly in Bharti Playboy Club.  Bharti Playboy club is best Friendship club in India for searching friends.

Our Offered/Registration Packages:-

1. Sliver Package  »       

Registration Fees- Rs.1500/-                                                                                                    
Validity - 3 Months
Earning - Rs.10000 per meeting
10 meeting per month.

2. Gold Package »  
Registration Fees- Rs.3000/-  

Validity - 6 Months 
Earning - Rs.15000 per meeting
10 meeting per month. 

3. Diamond Package  » 

Registration Fees- Rs.5000/-  

Validity - 12 Months 
Earning - Rs.20000 per meeting
10 meeting per month.

Service Place in India:-

Our service available in All over india like,
Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Patna, Ranchi, Kanpur, Agra, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Bhopal, Pondicherry, Goa, Pune, Chennai, Lucknow, Bhubaneswar, Indore, Raipur, Gurgaon,
Also Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Jharkhand, Odisha, Asham, Mizoram, Tripura, Gujarat, Uttrakhand, Chattisgarh, Arunachal pradesh, Keral, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Rajasthan, Jammu & Kashmir,

Customer Details:-

1. Name, 
2. Address, 
3. Date of birth, 
4. Height, 
5. Weight, 

6. photo,
7. Eye Color,
8. Heir Color,
9. Email ID,
10. Phone Number.

About us:-

Bharti Playboy Club Best Friendship Club in India.

The Bharti Friendship Club dating site is regarded as one of the most secure, clean and professional online friendship website on the Internet. Bharti Friendship Club makes you find friends of your choice from different parts of the India and can have a long lasting relationship with chatting, dating and socializing.

Adult dating can be observed as blind dating. These kinds of date are mainly searched on net and are basically looked for the long term partners - as friends, spouse or just dating buddies. As Bharti Playboy Club is the most popular and most sorted Adult Dating site in India, its team always take an initiative to deliver the best to its users.

Bharti Playboy Club is the best friendship site on the Internet!

Now you can also become a Internet Friend to - join Bharti Playboy  Club online dating site and start having fun meeting single women or men today! 

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Faq :-
Question 1. What is Bharti Playboy Club?
Bharti Playboy Club is a Friendship/dating club, the only genuine Friendship club in India,which is having more then 5000 registered females allover India including 10000 females in Delhi and Secondly Bharti Friendship Club is running at no.1 position all over India in providing Friendship/dating services.

Question 2. What are the benefits I will get the time I join the Bharti Friendship Club?
The time you register with Bharti Friendship Club you will be given the opportunities to grow your Friendship with the females who have been already registered with our club and are looking forward for Friendship with people who are getting registered to the club, initially the time you register with Bharti Friendship Club 70-100 contacts will be given to you through mobile SMS or email and after that weekly updates will be given to you about new registered females who are calling and getting register with our club . This information will be given through emails, fax( if you provide us fax no.) or mobile smashes.
The most important benefit Bharti Friendship Club is giving is that it list your profile with secret id to the website  if you are willing to go for. The time your profile is generated to the website Dear male friend, we offer completely opportunity to advertise yourself here! To be seen by thousands of lonely females who want short term/ long term Friendship relationship.

Question 3. What kind of females are calling and getting registered with Bharti Playboy Club? 

We have categories the type of females who are calling and getting registered into three types
» First kind of females are those who are looking forward for some favors from your side like money or shopping in return of Friendship given by them. These females belong to young college girls, models, call center females. and we call this category as chargeable category.
» Second kinds of females are those who belongs to housewives and working class females who are working till 6’o’clk or 7’o’clk after that they are free and living alone in India. The time these female call and register with our club we introduce them to our registered club members only. These females then call them up fix date with them in an restaurant , go to some club and pub and have fun after that they book an hotel room and relax with our club member for couple of hours or overnight.
You don’t have to pay any penny to such females but all the expenses that you and she made together has to be shared equally , the females in this comprises of doctors, lawyers, engineers, corporate females, divorce’s.
» Third category females are those who belongs to rich families , those NRI families who are staying abroad and females are doing some courses alone in India or those housewives whose husbands are out of stations or out of country for some business work and will be back in couple of months, or those who working in big corporate companies and remain on tours most of the times such females have no money problems but they are desperate housewives and living alone and want to go for short term Friendship relationship for short period of time secretly. when such female call and get register with our club we introduce them with our club members, these females then secretly call them up, pick them up, take them to best pubs and clubs in the town for dining and boozing. All expenses are bearded by females itself after this they take them to their own private apartments or places where they relaxes themselves for couple of hours or overnight in the company of our club member and after that they favors our club member by giving 1500Rs to 5000Rs or much bigger amount in return to their lovely company, as money is no problem to such females and they want things to be as secrete as possible. So all these three kind of females are calling and getting register to our club for Friendship for short and long term relationships.

Question 4. What facilities I will get when I got registered with cool club? 

Following facilities will be provided the time you become our club member
Facility no.1 : You will be provided with contact details of females through mobile sms or email who have registered with us These females comprises of wives of some celebs, corporate top notch Directors, CEO’s.
recently in last two months for short term and long term relationships at least 90 in numbers.

Facility no.2 : You will be provided with login and password ID of website with the help of that you can able to see more then 1000 females profile who have been listed to the website for Friendship/dating purpose , you can propose them to meet for dating to your place or their place or some other place comfortable to both of you, you can also place your profile to website with your nick name , by seeing your profile females will directly get in touch with you for dating and meeting and you can even charge these females for dating with you.  

Facility no. 3 : you will be given a customer care support manager no. 24/7 available for you for dating and meeting with females who have already been registered with Bharti Friendship Club .

Facility no. 4 : You will be provided with . 24/7 where you can place your problem if any , and the problem will be sorted out within 24 hours.
Facility no.5 : your date with high society female will be fixed by the club management personally by those female who have registered with us - who are looking for new person for dating each and every time. And many more for that you need to be club member first.
Question 5. What is Fun and Earn? 
Answer: Dating with new female is fun and making use of kool business opportunity you can earn as much money as you can that’s why it is called fun and earn.
Question 6. How can we trust Bharti Friendship Club? 
Bharti Friendship Club is the only registered club who is promoting their members through website.
Bharti Friendship Club started working from January 2006. The website is in operation from January 2007. We are the pioneers in providing Friendship services through website in india.

Bharti Friendship Club is having enough database of their previous members to entertain the new members. Every week hundreds of members getting registered on the Bharti Friendship Club website all over India. Bharti Friendship Club keeps record of each and every member who has called us and got registered. Registration of 'Female' is free in Bharti Friendship Club. So good number of female data is available for males who are paying the membership fee and getting registered with us. We also keep a track of female members profile, whether it is 'active or not'. When we find that particular female profile is not responding to our club members, we take no time to deactivate her profile.
So friends there are enough reasons to trust Bharti Playboy  Club.


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    अपनी पसंद का साथी पाने के लिए अभी कॉल करे!
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